New normal life or return to normal the same type as before the Covid-19 pandemic occurrence?

Unofficial translation from Khmer version above:

New normal life or return to normal the same type as before the Covid-19 pandemic occurrence?

After experiencing in lockdown, we want to return back to our normal life. But COVID-19 virus is still circulating widely in the country. So, we must exercise our normal life to a new normal one in preventing COVID-19 transmission for individual, family and community if we do not want to go through the pattern of re-lockdowns.

The loss of a husband and wife due to Covid-19 disease on the same day, May 22, 2021, has awakened and reminded clearly to all of us that children, family members in home, and husband and wife must protect themselves every time they go out, and remember that when you return home, do not bring the virus back home to avoid person to person transmission by implementing the “3 do’s and 3 don’ts” measures that the suffering and regret from the loss of family members can be maximized.

If individual is hurry to return back to the daily activities and especially the reopening of daily business as normal as before no Covid-19 pandemic without proper advance preparation in accordance with “New Normal” type of living and doing businesses to prevent the Covid-19 transmission, we may be soon brought back the next surge of mass infection and lockdown again and again in one day. Please do remember this points.

Thank you very much for your effort in preventing COVID-19 transmission for better health of your own, of your family, and of our community.

Reminded Text by H.E. Dr. Or Vandine, Secretary of State for Health, Chairperson of the Adhoc Committee for Rolling out Covid-19 Vaccination, and Spokesperson of the Ministry of Health of Cambodia.
