U.S.-ABC Interested To Invest In Various Sectors In Cambodia

U.S.-ASEAN Business Council (U.S.-ABC) is interested to invest in Cambodia in the fields of energy, industry, health, technology, finance and import-export.
The interest was shown by Mr. Ted Osius, President and CEO of U.S.-ABC in a courtesy meeting this morning via videoconference with Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, according to H.E. Eang Sophalleth, Assistant to the Premier.

Mr. Ted Osius assured Samdech Techo Hun Sen of U.S.-ABC’s support for Cambodia when the country holds the chairmanship of ASEAN next year.
U.S.-ABC will also assist Cambodia in the economic sector during this COVID-19 crisis as well as in capacity building and energy security issue.

For his part, Samdech Techo Hun Sen congratulated Mr. Osius on his appointment as President and CEO of U.S.-ABC, and briefed the U.S.-ABC’s side about investment potential in the Kingdom and asked more American investors to consider investing in Cambodia.
The Prime Minister thanked the U.S.-ABC for its recognition of the COVID-19 vaccination progress in Cambodia and the U.S. for providing COVID-19 vaccine (Johnson & Johnson) for Cambodia.

The Cambodian leader also informed his guest of the Kingdom’s plan to contribute to dealing with climate change as well as the country’s commitment to continue controlling the pandemic, improve business reform to attract more investors, promote reform in all domains, enhance business activities, and encourage the private sector to take part in boosting the Cambodian economy. by AKP